3 Day Detox Diary: Day 2

Day 2 was much better — fabulous even. I woke up with a flat tummy (which actually stayed flat the entire day) and I felt super energized. I got so much rest the night before because I forced myself to sleep earlier so that I wouldn’t think about hunger.  I was not even hungry when I woke up.  As I stated, in my Day 1 diary, I adjusted the menu to taste better this time around and I added some berries into the mix. Day 2 was much easier than Day 1 because of how better the food tasted and the burst of energy. I was in extreme high spirits and I got a good cardio workout in.  I also tried a new herbal tea, hyssop, which is an amazing cleanser. The only less-than-fab moment was late night when I started to feel hunger pains. I should’ve went to be earlier but it was a Saturday night — come on! One more day to go.

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