10 Meditation Methods to Help Get You Through The Day


I am a moderately high-strung Capricorn with anxiety issues; but that’s okay because I’ve found meditation. No really, I’m fine.

We live in a highly stressful world where our worries don’t just end with financial  and family situations. Thanks to social media, we are now bombarded with the lives and thoughts of others. Who has something you don’t? Who is in trouble? What tragedy has stuck the world now? Who died? Sometimes it can seem like a never ending reel of bad news. Thankfully, we are equipped with the tools to keep ourselves centered: our mind and our soul. I find sitting alone in a quiet room and simply taking deep breaths very relieving but it’s super easy to get distracted. Take a look at my picks of the best meditation guides to help you through the day.

Deepak Chopra

This man is one of the most influential people in the world. I’ve always admired him for his wise words about life and spiritual living but I’ve only recently gotten into his meditation sessions.  I participated in his and Oprah Winfrey’s  21-day Meditation Experience. Every morning I would start my day with a meditation and apply the lessons to my day. If you are a beginner or just looking for a fresh way to center, I strongly recommend this guide. Not only does Deepak have the most soothing and calm voice ever, his session last no longer than 20 minutes.  Check out his products here.


You don’t have to believe in who I believe in, but I think it is important to believe in something. When you surrender yourself, your truth and burdens unto a greater power, you will find peace. Accepting a greater energy into your soul will bring you so much clarity.  Find a quiet place and just pray. A prayer can just be gratitude, it can be a plea, it can be anything your heart wants to say.


A mantra is a sacred saying, utterance, sound or word believed to have powerful affects on our body, mind and soul. It can be religious or non-religious. This is a great way to meditate on the go. While driving, while on the train, or just walking, you can say to yourself your special mantra and attract positivity.


Our senses have much to do with our moods. Sweet scented candles can calm nerves and brighten our day. Make yourself a hot cup of herbal tea, find a comfy spot to snuggle, light a candle and relax. Candle_flame_(1)


Obviously this has dual benefits for mind and body. For me, running keeps my mind off of my issues because I’m too worried about passing out.  Running, exercising, or any other active activity is great for your mood. It gets your heart pumping and releases endorphins.

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Literally,soak your stress away. Whether it’s swimming or just taking a hot bath/shower, find tranquility in the water.


Stress can build tension in your shoulders, arms, back and legs. Do this right now, relax  your shoulders. They were up weren’t they? Tonight, give your body a real good stretch. There’s tons of YouTube videos that show cool ways to work out all those kinks.


What I love about yoga is that includes all three mind, body and soul elements. The breathing exercises helps relieve a lot of tension and creates a stronger core.


Call it a diary, call it a journal, call it whatever you want. JUST WRITE! Put every thought, no matter how crazy, onto paper. Stress can build up when we keep too much of our thoughts inside.


This is my favorite form of meditation. Once a week, I shut off my phone, turn off my computer and basically shut down from the world. Sometimes, I won’t even watch tv. I’ll go out for a walk, I’ll visit a place I’ve never been or  take a random solo adventure. I usually do this on the weekend after a hectic week.


Some people may shy away from meditation or just denounce its effects but consider this: what good is our daily progress if it doesn’t come from within? The same voice that tells you to wake up, take a shower, and get to work can be the same voice that says “don’t give up” or “take that risk.” Everything we do is from within, even the smallest intuition. We are already divinely designed with a unique inner life, why not feed our soul with even more power?  Rid the mental stress and accept strength and peace.

What are your favorite chill-out methods? Leave in the comments below.

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