How School Can or May Have Stifled Your Success

I’m not too much of an advocate for school but I stand for education.  Last night I stumbled upon one of the most thought-provoking and inspiring spoken word performances ever. I was brought to tears as the artist, Suli Breaks, questioned the effectiveness of institutionalized education.  I urge you to watch and then discuss below.

Like many of my peers, I have completed the standard eighteen years of school. I participated in extracurricular activities, I got into the honors programs, I got the A+, I passed all of the state exams, I did it all. But I can honestly say that none of the algebra, chemistry, or gen-ed classes have served purpose in getting me to where I am today. Also, like many of my peers, I graduated without promise of a lucrative career. For some of us graduates, the uncertainty of employment is no different than those with just a high school degree. Some of us are still looking for our first real deal job. With thousands of dollars of loans to pay back, we are forced to settle for almost any job just to stay out of debt.
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I do not regret attending college, the experience was character building. However, in this day and age when the “American Dream” is no longer defined by a spouse, children, and a white picket fence, we are now open to and aware of life’s many possibilities.  More and more people are nurturing their gifts and are taking great risks in turning them into a career. You can no longer just sit someone in a classroom, force-feed them textbooks convincing them their lives are meaningless without a degree, when you have people like Kim Kardashian who is praised as one of the highest earning and successful entrepreneurs in the world. It’s not enough to just throw a book at us. Especially to us creative kids. I graduated just three years ago and I can tell you, I have one of the most peculiar lifestyles. I’ll schmooze and booze with the best of em, write for popular magazines and publications, and experience amazing opportunities but still struggle with stable employment just to make ends meet. One thing I really wish I learned in school rather than learning the hard way a year or two later, is survival. Like you, I am much wiser and smarter than I was 3 years ago, but these kids are graduating with a 4.0 average but are clueless about money and career politics.

This was a very powerful video and I am so grateful to Suli Breaks for sharing and putting into words what many feel.  I hope you share this message and spark the discussion. Because of the way this world works, we gotta compromise, we gotta stay (or keep the kids)  in school. We can’t yet change the system but let’s try to change to curriculum.

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