The Universe is Always Communicating with Us


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Day 23 of 31


I am a believer in the Universe…and also in God. I’m not really a religious person. I can’t remember the last time I went to church. But I pray several times daily; I’m always speaking with God. I’m more spiritual. I know a lot of folks like to say “God or the Universe” as if the two are interchangeable. I really think people just say that to not come off as a pushy religious nut. Why is “God” such a bad word nowadays?   But, that’s just my opinion. Just like my separation of Universe and God is my opinion — or my belief rather.
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I believe God is the creator and that the Universe is the entity that wraps around our consciousness. I swear I’m not high. It’s just that I’ve been experiencing quite A LOT of “coincidences” lately, and I know it’s the Universe playing her little games again. She’s speaking to me. I think she speaks to all of us in ways that we can’t help but notice.


A long chain of coincidences have been following me for some time. Right now, I can only remember peculiar happenings starting from my Chicago trip. I went to this awesome day party thrown by Party Noire, an entertainment group headed by yoga/spiritual blogger Lauren Ash. On Saturday, back in New York, I attended Blavity’s #EmpowerHer conference where Lauren was a speaker for a panel discussion about self-care. What are the odds that I would see her again and that she would deliver such an inspirational message that I’ve been needing to hear? Days ago, Kendrick Lamar’s “Levitate” was stuck in my head, because I was remembering the song playing at Party Noire’s shindig. Naturally, I played the song to relieve my mind from replaying it over and over. As I’m listening to the song, the lyrics remind me of my friend Justin. Can you believe Justin calls me right then and there?! He then goes on to tell me that he loves that song. At the #EmpowerHer conference, I chatted with a bunch of other writers. I asked them for suggestions on earning extra income and one woman told me about doing an ebook. Good idea, I thought. Hours after the conference, I met another woman who suggested the same ebook idea. Just as I was about to tell her that another person gave me that idea, the first woman walked into the room! Now that I think of it, I attended a digital publishing seminar back in Chicago at Book Expo. Everything seems to be so intertwined.
So what does this all mean? Why do these coincidences happen? I don’t think these things happen to give us a meaning. I think weird coincidences are sign of affirmation. It’s the Universe’s way of saying, “I hear you. I see you. I got you.” I’m forever in awe of this mystical realm we live in called life. But it’s little moments like these that make me feel like I’m not alone. There’s something magical happening and we’re gonna be ok.

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