Solange and Chris Brown: The Fair Double Standard


By now you’ve heard about it a million times. The media got wind of a juicy juicy developing story concerning the Knowles clan. Solange Knowles was caught on video physically attacking her brother-in-law Jay-Z in an elevator. Superstar big sister and wife Beyonce, stayed to the side as her sister ferociously kicked and punched her husband.  No one knows the true cause of the elevator scuffle, albeit the wild theories, but it has definitley stirred discussion on domestic abuse and its double standards. Twitter talk about the subject was at an all time high and it wasn’t long before Chris Brown was mentioned.

“If Jay-Z would’ve hit Solange back the media would’ve dragged him like they did Chris Brown.”  – @GagaLovesBey

“So for everyone saying Jay-Z’s words could have provoked Solange, you didn’t say that about Chris Brown & Rihanna. Hmmm. #NewsOneNow” –  @rolandsmartin

.@ChrisBrown sitting in jail as we spk 4 prob violation based on his hitting Rhianna, will #Solange be crucified by media as well? –  @PoliticsPeach
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To even compare what Chris Brown did to ex-girlfriend Rihanna back in 2009 to what Solange did to Jay-Z is absurd and quite a reach. Not to be misconstrued, my message is not that it’s cool for women to abuse men. I am saying, in this case, the double standard between Chris Brown and Solange is fair. The circumstances are black and white.  What would make the situation “right” if Jay-Z hit back? The 44-year-old rapper stands 6’2; he knows his own strength. Understanding social norms and the repercussions if he fought back, he chose to not escalate the situation. Instead of returning the kicks and punches, he just defended himself.

I’m going to say the thing that everyone may crucify me for: men are typically stronger than women and that is what makes a Chris Brown situation worse than a Solange situation.  It’s the obvious yet taboo detail that no one likes to admit. This is the reason why the double standard exists and can be justified in certain situations. Violence is never the best answer. And yes, a woman is capable of doing some serious physical damage to any man. However, to say Solange deserves the Chris Brown treatment is an exaggeration of the situation. Equality is the goal but how can we ignore the present and sometimes warranted double standards? We can chuckle at any race joke unless its made by a white person. We can support all-women businesses  but shame male-dominated corporations. The double standards are fair due to history. The social complexities keep our world unbalanced.


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